Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mini with sweet.


This is my shit. Best WILKES-BARRE pizza joint, hands down. You've probably heard the hype. "Yo, I'll be in town for so and so show, lets get a mini with sweet sauce from that shady joint in wb." Believe me when I tell you, it lives up to the hype.

For starters, Angelos is a legit pizza joint. Not one of these "oh maybe, i'll get a hoagie with my slice or some wangs." No. Fuck you. This is strictly pizza. And not any of that by the slice shit. Get the mini, I swear to god.

The mini is a small, almost a non pansy version of a "personal" pizza. 4 amazing petite slices. Now, with the mini you get a couple main options. You can that joint regular or thick style (if i'm mad hungry, i'll get thick style). The thick is about double the size in thickness (duh) as the regular, but it's the same concept. For the second main option, and this one is huge, you are going to have to make the choice between sweet sauce and regular sauce. It might just be my observation, but it seems as if legit w-b dudes and dudettes aren't too big on the sweet sauce tip (joe foose almost fought me once because i accidentally got him a mini with sweet sauce instead of regular). Anyway, sweet sauce is my joint, and i know for a fact i am not alone. If you've never had sweet sauce, it's pizza sauce with some magical taste dust poured in to make it the best fucking thing ever placed on planet earth. Kinda like the first time you saw the opening scene in Napoleon Dynamite, yeah it's that fucking good dude.

The only time I'm not on the sweet sauce tip, as mentioned to my boy Decker, is after majority sugary sweet holidays like halloween and easter where it seems as if my sweet tooth is non existent.

For all your veggie breaths, you can get any of Angelos pies without cheese (I know a couple people who prefer it this way, I ain't mad at ya).

Oh and by the way, this place is MAD FUCKING CHEAP. $3 dollar mini. Large pie under $10 dollars, thats unheard of. Get into it.

Angelos Pizza, corner of Filbert and Hazel st.
Wilkes-Barre PA
(570) 829-9728


All Glory High and Pizza Pie

Yo, what's good? This is my pizza blog. I'm a portly young gentleman who loves good pizza and decided to make a blog about it. I love pizza, and hopefully this blog will get you siked on your next slice as this guy is.
